Sunday, July 17, 2011

Wild Ride (part 7)

Mereka harusnya udah nyampe Vegas hari itu, tapi musti berenti dulu karna JC kebelet boker. yaudah jadi mereka berhenti di sebuah Rest Stop, nungguin JC eek, sekalian siapa tau Jason Berry udah deket jadi bisa catch up.
Brian lagi menghisap Marlboronya ketika hp-nya bunyi. Ternyata telfon dari JB.
"yo, where you at, man?" sapa Brian.
"almost there," jawab JB. "you guys don't leave without me, okay?"
"you got it." then he hang up. Ngga lama Matt bilang ke semuanya kalo Ben Kowalewicz akan menemui mereka di Vegas untuk ngasih hadiah kecil buat Zacky V dan Yuncuk yang baru bertunangan.
"really? Ben is joining us?" tanya Dea antusias.
"someone's excited." Ransul ngelirik ke Dea.
"sssst, zip it." Dea senyum keki. Ransul cuma ketawa.
"dont tell me you're having a crush on Ben." kata Brian ke Dea.
"what? no!" Jawab Dea buru buru, keki.
"you sure?" Brian nyolek Dea.
"yesssss, Brian." jawab Dea. Lagi lagi Ransul cuma ketawa.
"hey guys..." sapa JC yang baru kelar eek.
"JC my maaaaan, whaddup, you want me to wipe your ass?" tanya Brian sambil nyengir.
"ha ha. thank you, ass hole." jawab Johnny, mukanya nyolot. "where the hell is JB anyway?"
"i dont know..." Baru aja Brian ngomong gitu, Jason Berry muncul dengan mobilnya.
"whassup, bitches?!" sapa Jason Berry sambil ngeluarin kepala lewat jendela. Dia pun berhenti trus turun dari mobil. "dude, we're only like 30 minutes away from Vegas, why stop?" tanya Jason begitu dia turun.
"this young gnome cant hold the shit, so..." Brian nengok ke JC, yang lagi diomongin cuma angkat bahu.
"okay, so let's get going, then." kata Matt.
"yea." jawab Johnny. "hey, Dea." dia manggil Dea.
"yea?" jawab Dea.
"why dont you come with JB? i mean, you wouldn't see a horny couples in his car, right?" usul JC.
"Z and Ayunda?" JB menebak.
"yea." jawab Dea.
"those two kids are really on fire." komentar Jason.
"no kidding, man." Dea rolls eyes.
"okay, then. you can come with me." kata JB ke Dea.
"you sure?"
"yea, sure. come on."
"okay." mereka berdua pun jalan ke mobilnya Jason Berry. Dan mereka pergi menuju Vegas.

"soooo... how's your trip with those two horny kids?" tanya Jason Berry di mobil, mencoba mencari bahan pembicaraan karna dia tau si Dea ngga bakal mulai ngomong duluan.
"uh..." Dea rolls her eyes, "not really fun."
"does Ayunda put her hand on Z's tights?" Jason nengok ke Dea.
"yea..." Dea mengangguk kecil. "that's not interesting at all, because i know 'em, you know..."
"yea right." Jason ketawa kecil. "you should've been in my car, you know."
"well maybe i would be, if you didn't go for too long finding those pack of condoms." katanya, sambil tersenyum iseng.
"oooo... sorry." jawab Jason, lalu diem sebentar. "did you wait for me? back in Ransul's house?"
"umm... not really..." jawab Dea, agak ragu. Sebenernya dia emang berharap bisa ada di mobilnya JB, he's a funny guy and she likes that.


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